Cultivate a Life Full of Pleasure & Passion, Aligned in Mind, Body & Spirit, through Sacred Sexuality & Spirituality

Anne-Marie Evans, Crystal Cave Woman - The Connection Sorceress, wondrously blends sacred sexuality and spirituality together. Her calling is about inspiring others to embody the divine magick we all carry within. To find alignment in Mind, Body, Spirit & Sexuality so we can be fully tapped in and turned on to our true authentic selves and our co-creating gifts within.

Highly qualified with thousands of hours of experience, Anne-Marie is here to help you reconcile and reclaim your inner erotic & the divine power within you!

Unabashedly fascinated by sexual life force energy & all things spiritual, Crystal Cave Woman - The Connection Sorceress ignites inner passions with purpose and supports you to become your most sensual, pleasure-filled self.

Go from being stuck in your head, disconnected from your body and your pleasure to feeling fully alive - radiant, juicy, and oh so sensual; fully tapped in & turned on to your own innate Powers within, co-creating a life you dream of! 

Anne-Marie’s Power Sessions explores belief systems, spirituality, the divine masculine and feminine qualities, embodied movement, womb wisdom, communication, creativity, curiosity, intuition and pleasure. You will become unbridled to fluidly navigate the world grounded in authentic confidence, and a sense of connection to your inner wealth.


Is about removing the stigma on what it means to be a sensual & sexual being. This concept is about healing past traumas and shame around an innate part of us and tapping back into our personal power. In her Erotic Elevation Power Sessions, Crystal Cave Woman - The Connection Sorceress reveals Pleasure Is Our Birthright. Anne-Marie shatters old belief systems and gets to the root issues. 

By building relation and connecting more deeply with our erotic selves, while releasing things that not longer serve us, we become empowered and unleash the divine powers within. The Erotic Spirit is the true essence of who we are—erotic, passionate beings, connected in mind, body, Spirit and the authority we hold within. When we align our lives to the sexual life force energy that fuels manifestation, we can cultivate a life full of pleasure and passion, walking our sacred dream on this planet.

The Mission of The Erotic Spirit is to remind people of their gifts within our sexuality, the blessings, and the benefits of being connected more deeply to this part of us. Let Crystal Cave Woman - The Connection Sorceress help you have the life you’ve always wanted.

You do not need to have sex to tap into your sexual life force energy. What is already within can be brought out and felt to its depths with conscious attention and a mindful practice. It is your innate gift and birthright to indulge in the pleasures at your fingertips.

How Anne-Marie became an

Intuitive Pleasure & Embodiment Guide

This practice has connected me more deeply to the core of who I am - My Spirit, God, and the Gift, and the power of co-creation in a beautiful way. It has helped me find my centre and stay there regardless of what might be happening outside of me. It has brought so much positive change into my life, so I invite you to follow along as I share more about this journey and show you more of how it can change your life too. It took deep awareness and a willingness to move through the emotions and feelings associated with the dense energy I was constantly feeling around it all. Seeking help and support was a vital part of the healing and it was through sharing and vulnerability that I was able to move the energy inside of me, through me, and out of me. I’m now tapped more deeply into my power. The power of deeper connection to self. The power of this universe, source, God. The power of my co-creating magick and life force.

Building a healthy relationship with your sexuality is more than just being sexy and an active sexual being. It's so much more than that. It's deeper than surface level. It's the sacredness of the practice. The mindful and intentional pleasure and how you can work with that energy to serve you in ways you've never dreamed of. I established reconnection and discovered my profound authority and now I lead the way for others to unleash their power too.

If sexual healing and building a healthy relationship with your sexual spiritual self is something you need support with, I'm here for you.

With Love & Orgasmic Blessings & Abundance
Xo Anne-Marie | Crystal Cave Woman
The Connection Sorceress

Erotic Elevation Power Sessions

Explore your sex life, spark the sensuality curiosity, cultivate your passions, and tap into your inner erotic with Anne-Marie. She will guide you to harness your radiance and fully tap into your sensual power – in your body, mind, and soul -as you are, with or without partners. So that you completely transform the way you see yourself, experience pleasure, and connect with everyone & everything in your life.

How do Sex and Spirit intersect?

Do you consider yourself to be a religious or a spiritual person? In what ways do you feel faith and sex intersect, if at all? How do you feel about the impact of religion on sexual expression? These are important questions to ask yourself. Both sex and spirit are integral to a holistic view of human beings. Anne-Marie’s methods help clients see themselves as whole people. Mind, Body, Emotion, Spirit and — of course — Sacred Spirituality.

Spirituality plays a critical role in how we see and interact with the world, with others, and most importantly, with ourselves. This approach isn’t about pushing a particular belief on clients, but rather helping people evaluate how their own personal beliefs interact with their sexuality. It’s about supporting them as they develop a deeper connection with themselves. It gives us the opportunity to address how elements of a person’s spiritual beliefs may help or hinder their progress in embracing their inner erotic.

Awakening the Erotic Within has many benefits. It’s not just about chasing an orgasm or a feeling. It has to do with so much more. Below are some of the many benefits associated with a healthy sex life and relationship with your sexuality and the erotic within.

1) Better Sleep
2) Healthier Skin & Hair
3) Boosts your Immunity
4) Elevates our Mood, Happy Pill
5) Helps with Pain Management
6) Increases Body Confidence
7) Promotes Healthy Estrogen & Collogen levels
8) Increases Relaxation
9) Deeper Connection to your Intuitive Body
10) Promotes Longer Life
11) Deeper connection to source & highself
12) Taps you into manifesting and co-creating energy

What are you doing to deepen your relationship with your erotic self?

The Erotic Spirit Is Where The Feminine & Masculine Collide…

Speaking & Events

A vibrant public speaker, Anne-Marie presents for groups large and small. She is an enchantress who captivates people with her wisdom, passion, and energy. 

Offering studio events, guest masterclasses, workshops, podcast guest interviews and more!

Book Crystal Cave Woman - The Connection Sorceress to share the magic with your audience. Anne-Marie is a sought-after speaker because of her mystical powers, potent language, and her gift of flow and fire. 

Let’s drop the shame! Sexual Life Force Energy is your Birthright. It is time to unleash our inner erotic.”

Check out the article interview with Anne-Marie Evans & Mystic Mag.